Benefits of Fluoride Treatment
Fluoride is an inorganic, naturally occurring mineral found in rocks and water. It helps rebuild tooth enamel and protect your teeth against decay. You can take fluoride in your body either systematically or topically. By the systematic method, the fluorides are swallowed in dietary fluoride supplements. Topical fluorides are applied directly to the teeth, either through toothpaste or from the dentist’s office. Toothpaste with fluoride help fight the plaque that builds up at the tooth’s surface. Now you get the whole reason why fluoride treatment is important. Let’s go deeper and learn the benefits of fluoride treatment and why you should say yes to it.
What are the Benefits of Fluoride Treatment?
- Restore minerals to your teeth
When you take foods and beverages that contain so many acids, the acid damages your teeth, weakening the enamel. Also, bacteria destroy the minerals that make up the teeth, making them break or chip. In addition, the acid leads to a loss of calcium and phosphorous, which can have a negative impact on your teeth. Fluoride helps restore lost calcium and phosphorous. These minerals are important to the health of your teeth. They make your teeth strong and healthier.
- Protects your enamel
Enamel covers the crown part of the tooth that’s visible outside of the gums. Fluoride gel treatments protect the tooth enamel from any damage. Taking sugary things or bacterial infections can attack the enamel, causing it to wear out or break down. When this happens, your tooth becomes more sensitive to too cold or hot food or drinks. Thus, making you feel uncomfortable when you’re taking anything to your mouth. Fluoride works with saliva to protect your enamel from damages that come from sugary things. Getting fluoride treatment helps to reduce the amount of sensitivity experienced by your teeth. Also, brushing regularly with toothpaste that contains fluoride helps protect your enamel against any bacteria.
- Prevent cavities and tooth decay
Even though cavities are common to children, adults also experience cavities and tooth decay. Thinking of how you’ll visit your dentist for a drill due to a tooth cavity can be scary. However, getting a silver diamine fluoride at our dental clinic in Chester Springs, PA, is always satisfying. The treatment helps in preventing cavity and tooth decay. SDF helps kill bacteria in the mouth.
Cavities and tooth decays are a result of bad oral hygiene, like not brushing after eating, also by taking too many sugary things. Making fluoride treatment a priority will help you battle cavities at their early stages. It’s advised to visit your dentist for the treatment, but you can receive the treatments at home by using fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth. Also, water contains fluoride; hence by drinking water, your teeth get exposed to fluoride.
- It contains a natural preventative
Since fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, it can prevent your teeth naturally. Fluoride is found in water. By drinking enough water, your teeth will be protected from damages that can lead to them breaking. However, make sure you visit your dentist regularly for fluoride dental treatment to stay safe and protect your teeth.
When is Fluoride Treatment Most Important?
When your child is growing, they need to start receiving fluoride as early as six months. From this age, it’s when their teeth start coming in, and they are prone to so many mouth infections. Also, as an adult taking fluoride is beneficial. However, people with certain oral conditions can benefit from taking SDF dental treatment. These conditions include:
- Gum disease that increases the risk of getting tooth decay
- Having a dry mouth. Having a low amount of saliva in your mouth can make it harder for acids to be neutralized
What to Expect During Fluoride Treatment?
At the Dentist of Chester Springs Family Dentistry, we will accord you a professional treatment for only a few minutes. Your dentist will administer the fluoride to you in the form of a gel, varnish, or foam. The treatment can be applied with a brush, a swab, or a mouthwash. After the treatment, your dentist will ask you to stay for a minimum of 30 minutes without eating anything. This will give time for your fluoride to be fully absorbed by the teeth. Your dentist’s recommendation will be based on your oral health.